Who Should Have a Robust Portfolio on TheXPlace

Who Should Have a Robust Portfolio on TheXPlace

Who Should Have a Robust Portfolio on TheXPlace

You owe it to yourself and your career in gaming to have an amazing portfolio on TheXPlace (TXP). A trusted community of vetted professionals and companies in the video game industry, TXP is a unique, visual platform designed with Game Development in mind. On our platform, you can show what you can bring to your future game team, and that you have what it takes to deliver the goods that employers need. Each part of your portfolio gives you the opportunity to exhibit your deliverable skills, and exhibit your potential as a member of a development team.

Your Portfolio has space for up to eight projects. Each Portfolio project is an opportunity to show off what you have to offer as a talented professional and passionate game creator. Identify all the skills, tools, platforms, and genres that you understand and want to be discovered for. Select from a thorough taxonomy of both professional industry terms and general skills, such as project management and team building. Each relevant tag improves the possibility of being discovered! You can claim credits for any shipped games that you contributed work to. In an industry that lacks standards for crediting talent, this is valuable for anyone who has a hand in bringing a game to life; game designers, developers, artists, composers. If you helped make a game possible, you deserve to claim that work as a credit.

Highlight work that shows what you bring to the table

One thing that sets portfolio projects on TheXPlace apart from other sites is that we have users provide assets that show not only final products, but also some that demonstrate the process and evolution of those products. This makes it possible to see a 360-degree view of what you can create, and how you go about creating it. Video Game development is highly iterative work, so there is great value in exhibiting the way you work through various stages of change and improvement, in addition to sharing amazing final products. These are an excellent way to provide proof that your work was built by you, lending it - and you- credibility

Portfolio projects showcase demonstrate both what you can do, and how you do it. Each project on the portfolio page should have art with an exciting image and detailed title. Title a project after your role on a specific game or the skill that you are highlighting. Final assets are vital, of course! Show off the glorious final product, the result of all your hard work. However, process assets are part of what makes your portfolio so useful. By sharing the creation process, using one or several tools, you let people see not only how you work, but also providing proof of creation of those beautiful final results. It helps to ensure that TheXPlace remains free of plagiarism. and important part of your portfolio is also including Process assets - great product and result

Portfolio Projects: Provide a Peek at your Process

Every Profile on TheXPlace has a Portfolio. This is where you can share up to eight projects that feature your best works. Within each project, you will include a variety of assets, some final iterations, and some that share demonstrate the process of developing that finished work. Final results are important, of course! The glorious final products will show off your style and what you can do. However, process assets are part of what makes your portfolio on TXP so useful - they show how you do it. Sharing the creation process at various stages lets potential employers see your ways of thinking and creating. Iterative assets also provide proof of creation of those beautiful end results. It helps to ensure that TheXPlace remains free of plagiarism.

Project Name and Overview

The Project Name you choose matters! Rather than just stating the title of the project, we encourage you to be more descriptive in name you select for each project. Tell the viewer exactly what is being featured in each project. This could mean including the job title, or naming the specific skills you are showcasing.

It may be tempting to just talk about the final product in the Project Overview, but remember that this is about YOU! Of course, you should spend a few words describing the project itself. Tell the viewer a bit about what kind of game it is, who would enjoy it, and what the goal of gameplay is. However, most of the space in the Project Overview should be focused on your

Asset Tag Lines and Titles

Informative titles and taglines give potential employers an immediate understanding of what they are seeing when they view your assets. Having a title and description for each item allows viewers to see how you describe your tools and processes and provides additional proof of your depth of knowledge and skills.

Project videos - cover all the gaps, demonstrate all key deliverable skills

Project videos are one of the most valuable innovations of TheXPlace. For each project that you add to your portfolio, we encourage you to record a 30-90 second project video, using one of our prompts, or one of your own choosing. This offers potential employers a glimpse into who you are; allowing them to hear your voice and see a bit of your personality. They can listen to you describe your contributions, your way of thinking and your approach to challenges that may arise.

Learn why Project Videos are your Secret Weapon on TheXPlace

Collaborate and Validate

Each portfolio project has a space to provide collaborators. Like job references, these contacts will confirm that the work you are claiming is yours. They verify that you worked on projects, even if you were not formally credited. This is one of the vital ways that we differ from other platforms. Your collaborators bolster your credibility, reassuring potential employers.

A Complete Portfolio is King

A rich Portfolio on TheXPlace can showcase both you and your work in an innovative and effective way! You can demonstrate your process, display your best work, and truly put your best foot forward. Portfolio projects give you the opportunity to describe your contribution to a larger project, explain the nuance of the process, and share your passion for the work that you do. Project videos allow you to be seen and heard in real time. Portfolios that are thoughtfully completed can allow for the reader to be immersed into the kingdom of your creations.

Your Portfolio is you, your process, and your work on display! Take the time to complete each project and make them truly SHINE!